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EUVT2 - Debris free EUV-Source

The EUV tube provided by Laser nanoFab GmbH is a compact and user-friendly extreme ultraviolet (EUV) source for metrology. The source is based on advanced microfocus X-ray tube technology that has been extended to the EUV spectral range. The EUV emission is generated by electrons colliding with solid state targets. This concept guarantees debris-free operation, well-defined performance characteristics and excellent long-term temporal and spatial stability.


At present, EUV powers of up to 20 μW (2π sr, 2% bw) are achieved.


The EUV source has excellent long-term stability. In continuous operation the fluctuations were measured over a period of three days and typically less than 1%.


The source size is below 10 µm and can be varied via operation voltage and current. Source sizes of 100 μm and more are possible (full width at half-maximum).


The EUV tube comes with a standard vacuum flange, so connection to your vacuum setup is easy. The EUV emission cone is centered on the flange axis.


Customer-specific adaptations are possible.


► At-wavelength characterization of EUV optical components, 
     e.g. multilayer mirrors, masks, or filters
► Off-synchrotron calibration of EUV tools, 
     e.g. spectrographs and energy monitors
► EUV imaging and microscopy with high lateral resolution


► Compact set-up, easy and intuitive operation
► Debris-free operation
► Excellent long-term temporal and spatial stability
► Very low running costs
► Computer-controlled (start-up, centering, focusing, operation)